Tag zwei, day two
Um 6 Uhr wollte ich los paddeln doch dies verhinderte das erste Gewitter!
Also warten bis es vorbei ist, dann Starten ... nach 3 km musste ich wieder an das sichere Ufer. Erneut Blitzt und Donner über mir und der Regen folgte.
Warten bis... alles es vorbei war, wieder aufs Board 5 Km vor der erstenBarrage Sturmböen die mich kurzerhand seitlich in das Ufergebüsch drückten.
Kein Weiterkommen. Ich verkeilte die Spitze des Boards in den Wurzeln eines Baum und liess den Gewittersrurm übermich herziehen.
Müde aber sehr froh wieder die gut 115 km geschafft zu haben.
At 6 o'clock I wanted to go paddling but this prevented the first thunderstorm!
So wait until it's over, then start ... after 3 km I had to go back to the safe bank. Again lightning and thunder over me and the rain followed.
Wait until ... it was all over, back on the board 5 km before the first barrage. Squalls that pushed me sideways into the bushes on the bank.
No progress. I wedged the tip of the board in the roots of a tree and let the thunderstorm pull over me. When I could finally start paddling again there was this headwind. At the barrage I decided to switch to the hard board. My mood was very low ... I couldn't move anymore ... Jörg cheered me up with coffee and blueberries. Then it went on in the pouring rain. I was able to pick up the pace again and with music in my ears everything went better.
Towards evening the weather improved, even the sun showed itself.
Tired but very happy to have made the 115 km again.
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