Tag drei, day three.
Ein schöner Morgen und ein guter Start in den Paddeltag von La Charité sur Loire nach Châteauneuf sur Loire.
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Die Aufmerksamkeit war den ganzen Tag gefordert. Volle Konzentration auf den Weg, immer wieder entscheiden wo bei den Inseln durch paddeln. Immer Ausschau halten nach der Strömung damit die Fahrt schneller wird.
A beautiful morning and a good start to the paddling day from La Charitè sur Loire to Châteauneuf sur Loire.
Everything went well, many obstacles were sandbanks, trees that are stuck in the water and large stones that are just below the water level were allowed to paddle. Attention was required every moment .... the hole day long.
Concentrating on the way always deciding where to pass the islands. Always keep an eye out for the current to make the journey faster.
Arrived well in Châteauneuf sur Loire, tomorrow it will be on the Loire through Orléans.
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