Tag vier, day four.
4. Tag! ...... im Nebel geht es los.
Gewitter und heftiger Regen lösten den Wind ab. Dreimal musste ich an das Ufer und warten bis Blitz und Donner vorbei waren. Es war ein sehr anstrengender Tag mit vielen Hindernissen, doch zum Schluss lachte auch wieder die Sonne.
Müde in Chaumont sur Loire angekommen.
4th day! ...... it starts in the fog.
It is difficult to see obstacles and the current. The moods are beautiful, almost mystical if it weren't this headwind ... I'm making poor progress, there was very little current. Orléans with the bridges is a great challenge, a lot of stones on the bridge piers and an irrepressible surge of water afterwards. I won't paddle through, too much adrenaline!
Thunderstorms and heavy rain replaced the wind. I had to go to the bank three times and wait until thunder and lightning were over. It was a very exhausting day with many obstacles, but in the end the sun was smiling again.
Happy arrived but tired in Chaumont sur Loire.
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